How to Heal the Mother Wound

"How to Heal the Mother Wound," is a deep dive into the profound concept of healing from the generational trauma between daughters and mothers that is often not talked about.
For many, the idealized image of a perfect mother-daughter relationship may seem unattainable or even foreign.
However, I want to reassure you that there is hope. It's time to let go of the shame that's attached to not having an ideal relationship and heal ourselves first.
I draw from my own story and the experience of over a decade of teaching other women how to transform their lives by moving forward after the impact of intergenerational trauma.

This book is a guide to lead you through the intricate process of healing the deep emotional wounds that are often passed down between mothers and daughters.
By shedding light on the reality that not all mother-daughter relationships are harmonious, we can begin to unravel the layers of pain and emotional scarring to start the transformative process of self empowerment and personal identity that is possible and really is your birth right.
My purpose for writing this is to provide understanding, and opening a path for removing barriers for the most treasured relationship in our life.

I dedicate this book to all the daughters
who are mothers and daughters.

Discover pathways
to healing and self empowerment
from the generational trauma
between mother and daughter

Changing the Pattern for future Generations

I Traumatized My Daughters...

It was a proud moment in my life when my one daughter thanked me for all the personal work I had done on myself. It helped her to see her own way through her personal growth.
"Because you've done so much work on yourself mom, I realize I am able to understand myself better and I wouldn't have otherwise found"
I shared with her many times, that when you do the work on yourself, for yourself, it heals seven generations back and eight forward. I could see in how my girls were living their lives that they didn't suffer from the same afflictions as I had.
I was a single mom when they were eight months and not quite two. I struggled with my finances and abundance mindset. I always worked hard and I was always working.

I remember her first Christmas at school, she was so excited. "Mom, I need to take food items for the Christmas hamper, for the poor people." I struggled with choosing which items to take out of the cupboard for her to share, I was literally taking the food out of my babies mouths. I also felt so much gratitude that if she didn't know we were the poor people then I was doing a good job.
I held to the conditioning I experienced growing up. Don't let anyone know you're struggling, that you might be perceived as less than. Put on a false front and carry on, stuff down the emotions. You wouldn't want to others to feel sorry for you, or draw negative attention to yourself.